Run MFF creampie inc sisters

From the imagination of Chase Shivers

June 10, 2014 Members:
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Chapter 13: Distractions

Chapter Cast:

Gene Polanski, Male, 45
- Business VP, husband of Tamara, father of Lauren, Finch, and Logan
- tanned beige skin, 6'1, 210lbs, short peppered grey-black hair
Tamara Khouri-Polanski, Female, 43
- Professor, wife of Gene, mother of Lauren, Finch, and Logan
- dark olive skin, 5'6, 150lbs, shoulder-length curly rich brown hair with natural red highlights
Lauren Khouri-Polanski, Female, 15
- High school freshman, daughter of Gene and Tamara, sister of Finch and Logan
- medium olive skin, 5'8, 150lbs, back-length curly black-brown hair, colored white-streaked highlights
Finch Khouri-Polanski, Male, 14
- Eigth-grader, son of Gene and Tamara, brother of Lauren and Logan
- dark olive skin, 5'6, 145lbs, ear-length curly rich brown hair with natural red highlights
Logan Khouri-Polanski, Male, 12
- Sixth-grader, son of Gene and Tamara, brother of Lauren and Finch
- medium olive skin, 5'1, 110lbs, ear-length straight black hair
Holly, Female, 19
- Agent of Marker 1
- Bronze-tanned skin, 5'1, 100lbs, straight shoulder-length straw-blonde hair
Anna, Female, 22
- Agent of Marker 1
- Bronze-tanned skin, 5'2, 120lbs, straight shoulder-length straw-blonde hair
Wistin, Male, late-30s
- Agent of Marker 1
- Light brown skin, 5'10, 175lbs, short straight black hair
Sofija, Female, late-30s
- Agent of Marker 1
- Nutty-almond skin, 5'6, 145lbs, cropped dark-brown curly hair.

The very lightest of dawn sunshine broke through the tiny cracks in the barn's wooden walls, making Tamara blink a moment to adjust to the dim surroundings. She lay still, listened, could feel her daughter in front of her, one of her sons behind. She listened for movement beyond, heard only the sound of wind moving over the building, rattling the tin roof.

Something hard was pressing against her butt, and at first she assumed it was Finch's knee. She rolled over slowly, realized it was not his knee. Her son's hard penis was pressing out his pants. Tamara brushed aside the tantalizing urge to sweep her fingers across it, caught herself, roused and stood a moment, trying to get her bearings.

The light coming into the barn was minimal, but it was better than the dark, stormy night that had slowly passed. The upper level held little else besides the blanket and mat and old hay. Tamara peered over the edge, heard and saw nothing moving, and scurried down the ladder.

On the ground floor she edged her way to the larger doors and peered out through the glass. Horses stirred closer to the larger barn set near the crest of the hill. Sheep huddled in another field, but she saw no signs of people.

Tamara rushed around, looking for anything that might help them. She spotted three feed sacks and a rough shoulder pack, grabbed them. She gathered a long knife, a small leather-working tool, two long strands of rope, another thick wool blanket, a bundle of rags, three pint-sized plastic jugs. Finch had joined her by then, and she handed him a bag, told him to fill it with anything that looked useful.

Tamara hated to be a thief, but her family came first. She found twine, scissors, and a utility knife. Whatever was to come, they had to be better prepared than they had been the day before.

- - -

Finch moved to the far side of the barn, just enough light to see the shelves lined there. There were several small jars that looked like jam, so he grabbed a few and packed straw around them to keep them from clinking. He found a large canister of honey, grabbed that too.

Finch smiled when he saw what sat at the end of the shelf. Three huge bushels of blackberries sat there. He could smell the tangy, sweet fruits as he swept up to them. Finch grabbed a handful and swallowed them, his stomach crying out for more. He caught his mom's eye, motioned her over.

Tamara saw the bounty and filled the feed sacks full of them, adding a couple more of the small jam jars. His mom smiled at him, nodded toward the upper level, and followed him up as they slowly ascended with the moderately-heavy packs.

- - -

Lauren woke as Finch's head passed over the edge of the ladder. She jumped, hadn't remembered falling asleep, felt like only minutes had passed. The movement had scared her, but when she saw Finch's smile, she relaxed a moment, was able to catch her breath as her mother was quickly beside her.

Her mom whispered quietly, “eat. There are blackberries. Not too much. We need to move soon, get back to the river. People are bound to be stirring with the dawn. Each of you shoulder one of the bags. Roll up the blanket, we're taking it with us as well.”

“Isn't this stealing, Mom?” Lauren's head barely awake enough to remember their situation.

“Would you rather die?” Her mother's voice was stressed, an edge of anger.

“No,” Lauren said with a small voice.

Tamara exhaled, gave her daughter a weak smile. “I'm sorry. Just feeling it all right now. Eat up, let's move out before we get caught.”

Lauren ate handfuls of the delicious berries before her mom had them ready to leave. The blanket was going into the bag when a long, loud creak announced that the lower-level door had swung wide open.

- - -

Tamara almost dropped her bag trying to get the pistol out of her pocket. Her nerves were rather cool, she kept her breath in check. Her children depended on her, it steeled her to remember that. She slowly disengaged the safety on the gun, peered over the edge, and prepared to shoot anyone who threatened them.

- - -

Gene woke to an arm wrapping over his body, warm flesh pushed against him. He smiled sleepily, whispered back, “morning, Tam. How'd you sleep.”

“Pleasant dream then, Gene?”

The voice didn't register a moment, then he remembered. He turned over, Holly's face grinning near his own. The depth of his situation sunk in fast, he muttered, “oh... right.”

“Not many men have had that reaction to waking up next to me, naked. Geez, Gene, you sure know how to make a girl feel wanted.”

“Can it, Holly. You know where my mind is right now.” He softened just a bit, “sorry. I'm... I'm just worried about my family. Nothing personal.”

“Indeed. Apology accepted. Get up, we have a meeting to get to in an hour.”


“We can't stay here more than a day or two, left too many tracks getting you out. Need to make plans for you.”


“To keep you safe.”

“Until you have what you need from me. Then you stop looking out for me.”

“More or less. Look, Gene, I meant what I said. I hope you survive. If we ever discover what you know, you won't be nearly as valuable to anyone as you are right now. Some want you dead. Some want you alive long enough to talk. Be thankful some of the latter exist.”

- - -

Feet crunched the dry hay and shuffled slowly across the wooden planks. Tamara held still, listening. When the sound moved to the far end of the barn and stopped, she dared poke her head over the edge of the upper level.

A young girl wearing a simple blue dress and a wide-brimmed hat was standing near the shelf, snatching blackberries by the handful, eating everything she pulled away. Tamara eased back the gun and exhaled, turned back to her kids, brought a single finger over her lips.

The girl ate for a moment or two, then grabbed a couple of jars of jam before heading back out the door and closing it behind her.

Tamara exhaled again, motioned everyone onto their feet, said very quietly, “I'll go out first, make sure no one's out there. Head over the hill behind us and don't stop until we get to the river. Follow me quietly but quickly.”

- - -

Logan felt a bit better that morning. His belly no longer rumbled after the wonderful blackberries, and the edge of excitement was once more bubbling into his mood. The decided lack of people shooting at them, of people chasing them through narrow tunnels, did a lot to help. The night spent in the barn had sent him back into his heroic dreams, and the satisfied boy lingered on the glimpses of triumphant moments and shirtless women.

His mother got them moving quickly over the hill where they passed into tall trees and put distance between them and the farm. It took no time at all to find the river and again start following it south. The bag on his shoulder began to feel heavy quickly, but he sucked it up, remembered that heroes have to endure a lot to be heroes, and smiled a small smile at his performance to date.

- - -

The meeting took place in a small cafe a couple of blocks from the water. Gene sat with Holly and the tight-lipped soldier at a table in the back corner of the joint, his eyes watching every movement with trepidation.

The night before had been a blur. He'd fucked Holly, crumbling into despair afterwards. She'd showed a soft side for a while, cradling his head while he felt horrible. When she had taken his hand and led him to bed, he'd crawled in without comment. The soldier who now guarded them at the table had not slept, so Holly claimed, and had stood vigil at the door all night. Wistin and Sofija stayed in the adjoining room. Gene had yet to see them that morning.

While they waited, Gene kept his thoughts bubbling. He wondered how much he could trust Holly, if at all. She'd ruthless killed the soldier on the helicopter, and assumedly had done the same to Wullis and the others. It was her word that Victor had turned on him, and he didn't know what that meant in the power struggle playing out around the world, or the one that might be playing out back in Switzerland. He needed answers.

“What was Victor planning?”


“With me. You told me you thought the attack was cover for making me appear to be kidnapped. Why? What was he going to do with me? He already had me captive, basically. He didn't need to pull me out of there.”

“He was taking you to Turkmenistan. M1 has few tendrils within, and most of the other players are non-existent there.”

“Why? To what end?”

“Victor's playing his own game, Gene. I don't have all the answers. When we caught his agent, the one who turned on him, we found out enough that we knew Victor was a shark in our midst. He tried to have me killed in Italy, I barely got out. I lost two good friends...”

“I'm sorry...”

“He knew I was on to him, which makes me think he has other agents in M1 working for him. Hard to know who to trust right now.”

“This guy we're meeting... do you trust him?”

“Her. And yes. As much as I trust anyone. She's my sister.”


“Anna is my older sister. I need news, updates, and a plan for you. She'll have the latest. I've had a hard time getting information since yesterday, lots of M1 locked down right now, agents going to ground all over the place, and commanders are not opening their comms to most anyone not within eyesight. Anna's an agent for M1 – Southeast Asia, above me, and on her way from Bangalore right now, should be here any minute.”

Gene let that play in his head, switched tracks. “Holly... who was the woman with you in the pictures at Victor's mansion?”

The hesitation and twitch was barely seen, but Gene noticed. “She's my mother.”

“And you're Victor and Theresa's granddaughter, right?”

“I am.”


“Don't judge me, Gene. For any of it. I don't judge you. What Victor has done to me in the last couple of days has changed everything. Everything. For all of us. He may be my grandfather, but right now, he's my enemy first. He's trying to kill me, and you. Please, no more about that right now, especially since Anna is here.”

- - -

Lauren plodded along the edge of an overgrown grassy plain that hugged the river where it bent hard to the east and tumbled over a series of small falls. They'd stopped just once since leaving the barn, just long enough to pee and fill the plastic jugs with water. They'd eaten more berries, sampled the honey, and moved on.

Her feet were raw, blistering already. She'd never been much on hiking or doing much on her feet, and the long hours of walking did nothing to warm her to those hobbies. The boys paced ahead as she drifted beside her mother. “Mom... what are we doing?”

Tamara was silent a moment before she said, “I don't know.”

Lauren exhaled, said, “do we just keep walking, then?”

“For now. I don't know what to do Lauren... I'm sorry. We got away but now... I don't know.”

“Ok.” She took her mom's hand, could hear the despair in her voice. “We'll be ok, Mom. You did great... getting us out? We'll figure it out.”

Her mother drew a tight smile, said quietly, “thank you, Lauren. We all just stick together, here, ok? Don't get mad at your brothers... or me... please... we need to stay calm, get each other's backs... you doing ok?”

“Feet are killing me.”

“Mine too.”

“Otherwise... scared for Dad.”

Tamara's lip trembled when she said softly, “me too.”

- - -

Gene was pissed. Seriously pissed. Anna had arrived wearing a ridiculously-large overcoat that made her look like a midget. The blonde woman looked a lot like her sister. Short, blonde, very pretty. Her lips were thinner, her chin more pronounced, but the similarities were obvious. As soon as she'd arrived, the tight-lipped soldier had stood, leaned to Gene's ear, said, 'follow me outside.'

Gene had eyed the sisters as they sat silently, got up with his eyes tight, and followed the man out the door where he was led down to a bench back near the water. When they finally stopped, Gene turned to the man, asked, “what's going on?”

“Conversation not for your ears.”

“Fuck that. This involves me.”

“Not all of it. Keep your ego in check, Mr. Polanski. The whole world is at stake.”

So Gene fumed a few moments. His anger boiled, he stood, paced, decided he was done being a pawn.

Gene started walking back to the cafe and was stopped within five strides by the soldier, who took his arm and swung him around, then said, “they'll come get you when they are ready. Wait here.”

“Fuck you. If you don't want me going back in there, then shoot me. Right now, I don't give a shit.” Gene yanked his arm free and dared the man to put a bullet in his back. For the first few steps he was certain it would happen. By the time he got back to the cafe, he realized the soldier had simply followed a few steps behind him the entire way.

Gene slammed his hand down on the table, causing the sisters to jump. Despite the angry edge to his voice, his voice sizzled at a low volume. “Talk to me! You want my help? Then start helping me. I'm part of this now, yes? Part of whatever you say matters. Fine. Fucking make me part of it. Stop shutting me out, Holly.”

“M1 doesn't work like that, Gene, there are protoco--”

“Fuck that. Remember Victor? Didn't you say he changed everything? Right now, I don't know who to trust, and if you expect me to help you, you gotta start trusting me. I'm in all the way or I walk.”

Holly and Anna stared at each other silently before Anna nodded curtly.

Holly said quietly but with force, “Fine. You're in. Sit down. We have a lot to go over.”

- - -

Finch stayed low on the hill in the line of squat bushes that ringed the crest, his body hugging the grass and soil below. They had been watching the road which ran a half-mile below them toward a bridge crossing the river. A checkpoint had been set up there, a dozen dark-colored vehicles blocking the road and stopping every car that approached.

Tamara had stopped them when she'd spotted it, moved them into cover, and ensured they all drank and ate berries while they waited. Finch ate enough to stop his stomach from rumbling, but his anxiety rose the longer he lay prostrate.

The morning had passed quickly as they followed the river several miles, more farms and private homes were skirted, and only once had they had to run when sheep bleating exploded from a few dozen feet away, giving speed to their movements.

Little had been said. It had become obvious to Finch that they were running just to do something, their flight had no endpoint, no goal other than to keep moving. It made it hard to keep his fears in check, and the longer they walked, the less sure he was that there was a happy ending.

- - -

Tamara's mind raced as she realized they only had a couple of options. They could change tactics and move away from the river, heading east to where the Mountains rose up sharply. Or they could attempt to move east just far enough to avoid the roadblock and then pick up the river where it flowed south once more.

It wasn't an easy choice. She had no idea who the black-suited soldiers were who manned the checkpoint. They were forcing each person to get out of every car, checking truck beds, trailers, and trunks. They were looking for something. Or someone. Whatever it was they were after, Tamara knew she couldn't risk turning her family over to them.

She downed a handful of berries and studied the land around her. The river had provided them a ready source of water and she couldn't imagine trying the journey of the past day and half without that. The forbidding cold peaks to the east helped her decide, and she said quietly, “in five minutes, we move east down the backside of this hill. Stay low, stay in the trees. We'll look for a place we can cross and move south, then pick up the river again. Don't talk, don't expose yourselves from cover until I say so. Eat up, pee, do what you need to do, we move shortly.”

- - -

Lauren squatted a few feet away from her family, urinating and voiding her bowels. She wished desperately for toilet paper, but had to be content with one of the shop rags they'd brought from the barn that morning. It felt gritty against her tender flesh as she wiped. Lauren cleaned up as best she could, tossed the rag into the bushes, and pulled her panties and pants back onto her body.

She'd watched the roadblock carefully, not sure what she was supposed to notice. Men in dark suits stopped vehicles and searched passengers before letting each depart across the bridge. Whatever they were looking for, the men were being very thorough. Lauren wondered why they didn't just go down to the men and ask for help. It seemed like the endless walking had no end in sight, and it made no sense to her to go on without seeking assistance.

Whatever it was that kept her mom from proposing that, Lauren decided to accept it for the moment. Whatever happened to Dad... these could be the men that attacked us, I suppose... Certainly don't look like the soldiers who defended the compound. Don't look like Private Sanderson who probably died to protect us as we ran...

- - -

They'd spent an hour on the state of things, Gene doing all the listening as Anna and Holly discussed the latest intel. No Limits had inexplicably gone quiet over the previous twenty-four hours. No killings linked to them, no overt actions. Anna expected their technical operators were still on the job, hacking networks and fomenting chaos and uncertainty, but M1 had detected no obvious signatures from the group.

India and Pakistan had been clashing in traditional warfare, a quarter million troops fighting in the rough border lands after explosions at power plants and military installations on both sides left them blaming each other. Their decades of itchy trigger fingers had easily set them into armed conflict, and it looked to only grow over the days to come.

The Korean peninsula was likewise on fire, North Korean troops moved south of the DMZ the day before, more hundreds of thousands of soldiers and their advanced weaponry going hot all across the region. Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thai revolutionaries had attempted coups, though the results of those actions were still unknown.

So far, the United States, UK, Russia, and China had avoided outright conflict, though they had all instituted heightened security protocols and had troops on alert for immediate deployment. Media outlets had begun to grow the narrative for various populations with timely leaks and obvious mayhem forcing them to report the rising unrest in many parts of the world. The shadow groups like No Limits hadn't made the headlines, not yet, but Anna was sure it was just a matter of time before those connections saw the light of day.

The Chilean president had barely survived an assassination attempt, and high-ranking government officials in Turkey, Slovakia, and Mexico had already been slain. More were probably dying as the three sat in the Maltese cafe, the tight-lipped soldier sitting alone by the door, his sidearm barely concealed in his lap.

“Who's running M1 now that Victor's out?” It was the first time Gene had spoken in the conversation.

Anna replied, “Spider.”


“Spider was Victor's XO in Israel. I'm in contact with him. He has a team of four agents and half of Third Squad with him, along with a couple hundred regular soldiers. Right now, he's hunkered down, running the Mike-One operations, trying to make contact with all the agents that have gone to ground. Tense times, Gene. Tense times.”

“Mike-One... I've heard that mentioned before. What's that?”

“Mike-One is our intelligence force, sort of a cross between Marine Recons and snoops. They are very carefully trained in both stealth and reconnaissance, but also have unique systems skills that allow them to keep a finger on intelligence networks and analysis. If you ever see a Mike-One, you're probably already dead. They don't surface often, and only as a last resort.”

“Lovely. And they're on our side?”

“They work for M1, yes. It was Mike-One that discovered the mole in M1 and turned Victor's agent.”

“Victor knew his man had been caught, so Holly said. Another mole still out there?”

“Probably several. We have our own in No Limits and the other groups, not really going to be a surprise when we find others. Makes it very difficult to stay in the shadows right now. Our agents in No Limits haven't made contact in two days, I'm very worried about them. Whatever has taken the group off the active radar has left us with a gaping hole in our intel. I'm dying to know what they're up to.”

Gene sat back, sipped his scorching cup of black coffee. “Any... any news on my family?”

“Sorry, no. The sweeps around Lausanne have turned up no trace. They probably hunkered down somewhere out of sight. They'd be smart to stay that way a while, Playa Gordo mercs are in the area and M1 can't risk an open battle to engage them right now. M1 is staying put in the compound for now, even with it exposed. If we hear anything, Gene... I'll let you know, of course. For now... we have a lot to figure out.”

“Hmm.” His head hurt again. Gene's fingers massaged his temples a moment before Holly ran her hand to his neck and firmly worked her fingers around. “Thanks...”

“So you're in this, now, Gene. What we have to figure out is what to do next. We can't stay in Xlendi much longer, I know I left too many breadcrumbs for those who know how to follow them. We could move to Israel, think we could get in there without too much notice. We've got a rarely-used safe house in Uganda, another in Sri Lanka. The one in Afghanistan is out for now, too many of Victor's people are there.”

“What about Poppy?”

“Unknown. She was there last we knew, but with Victor's split from M1, hard to say what has happened there. Two agents there are hiding as far as we can tell. If she'd talked, she'd already have been killed, most likely. But... we just don't know. Any... any luck with your recall? Anything that might help us figure out what No Limits is up to, or what they want with you?”

Gene let Holly's hand rub the edge of the tension out of his neck before replying. “No... nothing... I can't stop turning over in my head the last few months at Whitehead. Something's missing. Something... feels like a hole. Whenever I try to remember why I left, why Poppy left... I...” the pounding fired up in his head, “I get nothing. Whatever it is... I'm starting to think someone fucked with my brain, tried to keep me from ever being able to bring back those memories. The harder I try, the more it feels foggy, the more I'm sure I've forgotten something important. I'll... I'll keep trying...”

Holly looked at her sister a moment, unspoken words seemed to pass between them. She said quietly, “Gene... does the name Baron Quick mean anything to you? Did Utah ever mention him?”

His temples pounded, made him nauseous. “I uh...” Something felt like it pushed out from his skull, making his world one of red, raw pain. “Ugh... getting a migraine, I think. Quick... No... Well...” It wasn't recognition, just a dull sense that the name meant something at sometime. “I don't know...”

Anna nodded slowly, said softly, “Ok... think about it. Quick was an Austrian who worked for M1. Well, worked for Victor we believe. He's in Afghanistan. He's been... working on Poppy. We think Victor meant for him to work on you as well in Turkmenistan.”

“Working on Poppy... what do you mean?”

“Quick is a brilliant man, one of the first to really learn how to manipulate minds. He lived in North Korea for several years, spent time with the CIA, interrogated high value targets at black sites around the world. He was good at all sorts of things. Retrieving suppressed memories, planting false ones, his brainwashing and breakdown techniques are cruel and devastating, but goddamn effective.”

“I...” More pounding. “I feel like that... means something... I... ugh... excuse me.” Gene rushed toward the bathroom and closed himself inside, spewing the contents of his breakfast into the toilet.

- - -

Tamara held them in the treeline for several long minutes before she said sharply, “run. Run fast, hit the upside of that hill, don't look back. Go!”

The kids sprinted ahead of her as she tailed them, pistol gripped and safety off. Tamara scanned the road and the hillside as they moved, bags swinging wildly as their legs propelled them across the two-lane mountain pass and up the slopped bank on the other side.

They'd moved east about a mile before she decided they'd gone far enough. Tamara wanted to keep them near the water for a lot of reasons, so they'd gone just far enough around the roadblock to ensure they were out of sight. One car had passed while they waited, and after listening for several moments, Tamara had set them in motion.

Her children outran her as her ankle began to pop with each jolt against the firm ground, a few dozen yards separating them as she started climbing the slope. Half-way up it, she saw Finch make the trees, followed quickly by Logan and Lauren.

A heavy impact broke her stride, sent her sprawling and rolling in panic back down the hill, the pistol thrown from her grip. Hands caught her, lifted her firmly, voices shouting in a language she didn't understand. Her mind reeled, tried to figure out what was going on. All she could think to do before a thick cover slid roughly over her head was to shout, “Run! Run! Goddammit, Run!”

Her body was yanked, her hands pulled back, and she was forced to descend quickly away from where her children had disappeared into the treeline.

- - -

Lauren cried out, “Mom! Mom! Oh, God!” She watched the four black-clad figures grab her mother and hustle her down the hill. Three more were running their direction. It took all her courage to shout to her brothers, “Run! Go, come on!”

She sprinted up the crest of the hill, branches snapping against her skin and leaving welts and cuts. Her brothers were running beside her, panic in their eyes. They moved down the hill, could hear shouts behind them.

It seemed to take forever and no time at all to find the river again. Lauren paused, tried desperately to catch her breath. Her brothers had dropped their bags during the chase, her own growing very heavy on her shoulder. She pulled the utility knife out and stuck it in her pocket.

Lauren didn't see anyone behind them, but she knew they were there. Her legs wouldn't move, fear and exhaustion made them feel like bricks. She huddled with Logan and Finch, tried to breathe, managed to say, “into the river. It's our only chance.”

The boys looked back, nodded, and together the three of them raced into the rapidly-moving water and swam with the current as fast as their sore bodies could go.

- - -

Gene sat on the balcony of the hotel once more, Anna and Holly nearby. They'd made no decision yet about what to do, wished to wait for someone in Israel to make contact with the older sister. His nausea had disappeared and except for the exhaustion and worry, he felt mostly alright. Gene sipped the room temperature water and stared out over the rectangular bay nearby.

“Wistin and Sofija are getting us supplies. You need to be armed, Gene. We all need fresh clothes. They should be back around nightfall.” Anna's voice had softened since the first moments, her face sharp in all the ways that Holly's was soft. She was very beautiful, not flirty, her tone serious and measured throughout.

“And then?”

“You know what we know, Gene. I wait on word from Ikon in Israel. We probably head there before dawn, not sure. Backup plan is Uganda, but that will take a lot of coordination to get us there undetected. Malta has its advantages, but one of them is not its size. Hard to hide here. If we get discovered, there's nothing to do but find a boat and try to make it to Pantelleria.”


Anna sipped her coffee. “Island west of here. We have a wildcard there.” Gene's question was just forming as Anna continued. “Someone capable of deploying anywhere in the Mediterranean with twenty minute's notice. He's one of the best. If we have to, we'll lean on him to gain time.”

“Gain time... just one fucking race from point to point, is it? Does this ever end?”

“Hard to say, Gene. This is new to all of us,” Holly's voice was softer than usual, “first time we've been in an open war like this. Lot of making it up as we go.”

“So I've seen. You seem pretty good at making it up... how... how do you do what you do, Holly? You're nineteen, for god's sake. How did you kill five men from the chopper? How did you steal a plane? You know too much for your age.”

Holly smiled, “compliments will get you everywhere, Gene.” She shifted, sat back, spread her legs wide, unconcerned that it appeared unladylike. Her tight black pants hugged her hips, just the hint of her vulva visible through the fabric. “I started young, and I trained hard. I trained with the best.” She sounded sad suddenly. “He... he taught both of us, knew we'd probably need to know...”


Anna spoke up, “our father. He was an M1 agent for many years.”


“Dead now. Shot seven times in a rearguard trying to save a hundred refugees in Armenia. He'd gone in to broker a deal with one of the rising groups there, but they turned on him, killed his partner, and threatened to burn down the village in order to kill him, too. Dad radioed back, under fire, somehow had gotten the villagers on the move while he held off a dozen armed belligerents.”

“I'm sorry... how... how do you know he died?”

“The assholes drug his body through the streets and plastered posters of his corpse all over the country. Holly and I... we got revenge.”

Gene shivered, didn't press further, once more awed by the raw courage Holly and her sister were capable of showing when the shit hit the fan.

- - -

Finch crept up the embankment slowly, his feet blistered and raw, his legs and arms so heavy he thought they might fall off. They'd stayed in the river for most of the day, getting out only once to rest a few moments before jumping back in. They'd decided to get out for good as the evening came on.

He felt awful, and not due solely to the pain in his body. His mother had been left behind, taken by the black-clothed figures. He wondered if she was dead, and it made him feel sick that it might be so.

They approached a small house that sat on a flat plain which rolled up slowly to a good sized hill. Lauren and Logan were nearby, crouched and moving slowly. They needed somewhere to sleep that night, bugs beginning to bite them as soon as they got out of the water. He didn't relish the idea of spending hours in darkness exposed, but they had no idea what to do.

When they'd spotted the house, they'd talked quietly about whether to see if they could find a storage shed or another barn to hide in. As they got closer, it was clear the property held no buildings other than the small, grey house.

They lingered in the treeline. Lauren said to him, “wish Mom was here. She'd know what to do.”

Finch nodded sadly, but controlled his fear enough to say, “I don't see any lights on, no car, maybe no one's home. I'll get closer, ok?”

Lauren didn't respond a moment, Logan watching him carefully, also silent. His sister finally said, “be careful. Anyone comes around, you run fast. If we get separated, regroup where we got out of the water, ok? Be careful, Finch.”

He nodded, inhaled slowly, let out his breath, and moved out of the trees toward the house.

- - -

Logan watched his brother walk slowly toward the grey building at an angle to the front door. His mood had been sour since his mom's kidnapping. He wanted to do something, but had nothing to do. He couldn't help and it made him feel very small most of the time.

Part of his mind continued to fantasize about the adventure he was on, imagining scenarios which would reunite him with his mother and father. They played just below the surface. He was just aware enough to let it buffer him from the worst of the terror fighting to control his thoughts.

Logan watched Finch settle against the side of the house, pausing a moment, looking all around him. The twelve-year old's heart seemed to beat too fast, making it difficult to catch his breath.

The front door banged open and a figure raced out, turned the corner, and raised a rifle, pointed it at Finch. Oh, no!

- - -

Gene woke to a soft hand playing over his pants, fingers massaging his cock through them. His mind was slow to reconstruct his situation, finally forming a memory of him settling in for a nap, Holly and Anna to one side with him.

He didn't react at first, his cock not rising but the sensation not unpleasant. Gene turned over then, faced Holly who had a small smile on her face. She said quietly, “we all need distractions, Gene. It's the only way we stay sane.”

His reply was sharp. “That what I am to you? A distraction?”

“Sometimes. Don't be upset, Gene. I like you, not just because you have something I want. Well, because you have more than one something I want...”

“Jesus, Holly. You really have a fucked up sense of timing.”

“Don't blame me. I learned a long time ago to take advantage of opportunities immediately. Waiting usually meant losing them. Relax, Gene. Let's feel good together awhile, ok?”

Gene didn't respond but didn't stop Holly's exploration. He wondered if Anna was awake, how she might react to Holly's movements. He let that thought slip as Holly pulled his cock out of his open zipper and stroked it to hardness.

Holly pushed him onto his back, unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down over his thighs. She straddled him, spit into her fist, stroked him again. Gene groaned as he anticipated Holly's pussy sliding over him. Holly rolled down her tight black pants to her knees, squatted, and took Gene's penis inside her vagina.

Gene moaned as Holly rode him. The back of his mind screamed that he was once again fucking her without a condom, once again breaking his promise to Tamara. It made him feel very guilty, caused his penis to deflate despite the hot wetness that surrounded it.

Holly noticed, pulled off him a moment, she slid to one side, a hand cupping his balls and moving them slowly in her palm. “Ok, Gene. I know things are out of control, that you are worried about a lot of things. If you're in this, you gotta learn this lesson. You have to seize opportunities with gusto, with aggression. Give into what's happening right now, I promise you you'll feel much better.”

“Got a condom?” he groaned, “I... I promised...”

“I know, Gene, and I'm sorry I've helped you break that. No, I don't... do you really want me to stop?” Her fist was once more returning him to hardness.

A quiet, “no,” was all he could manage.

- - -

Finch froze, his mind a white sheet of fear. The rifle pointed at his chest was only six feet away, the older woman holding it studying him carefully. She said something he didn't understand and he automatically raised his hands to show his confusion. The rifle jerked, the woman seemed ready to shoot him. He froze again and waited for her to do something.

She slowly lowered the rifle, looked around a moment, took him inside the house and closed the door.

- - -

“What do we do? She took him!”

Logan's voice was thin and strained. Lauren crouched, her own anxiety forcing sweat out of her pours. Her crotch felt sticky, her skin raw and irritated. She was miserable, but even that discomfort was pushed down by her fear for her brother.

They'd watched the woman point the rifle at him then grab his arm, closing them inside the house. Lauren didn't know what to do, so for a while, she just sank onto her knees and waited next to Logan, panting, and trying to make a decision.

- - -

“Ohh... Gene...” Holly's body rose up and down slowly on his hard penis, her pink vagina so wet and slippery. Gene couldn't fight any longer, gave in to the moment, let the pleasure of Holly's body rush into him.

A hand slid over his stomach and between his legs, took hold of the base of his cock as Holly rode. Gene turned to see Anna with a flat expression, her fist gripping his dick. She looked at her sister, a nod passed between them. Holly slid off Gene's body and Anna took his penis in her mouth.

Gene knew Anna was tasting her sister's pussy on his flesh, swelled strongly at the thought. Anna quickly slid her own body over him, peeled down her shorts, and straddled his hips. Her pussy looked like a copy of Holly's: shaved, thin pink labia, a certain camel toe had there been panties covering her sex.

Anna slid down, gasped as the penetration pushed deep inside her. Her vagina even felt like Holly's, slick and tender, but tight in all the right places. Holly knelt beside her sister, her hands moving over Anna's breasts. She leaned in and kissed her sister's lips.

It wasn't a sisterly kiss. Mouths opened and moans were muffled between them as Anna rode Gene's cock. Anna moved her hand between Holly's legs, her fingers circling her sister's clit quickly. Holly moaned louder into Anna's mouth, her body shaking, shuddering, and cumming hard.

Gene panted as he watched the unbelievable scene. Holly orgasmed on her sister's fingers, Anna's pussy tightening and clenching. Holly pulled back, breathing heavily, her eyes glazed. Her hand moved down to where her sister's body took in Gene's dick, found her clit, and twirled it rapidly.

Anna's cunt spasmed as Holly kissed her again, the older sister humping him faster. She started to pound herself down on Gene's penis, her sister's fingers sliding back and forth across her hood. Anna jerked twice, three times, and moaned loudly into Holly's mouth as she orgasmed.

Gene let go, let the burning, boiling, bubbling ejaculate flood into Anna's body. He came hard, rocked his hips into her, spewed semen rapidly, the hot seed running down his shaft and frothing on Anna's labia.

She slowed her movement and sat still, breathing heavily. Holly leaned down to him, kissed his lips, said softly, “good, Gene. Let it all go. Too much ahead of us to not accept the small things that bring us joy when we have the chance. Not always an easy lesson, but... it's one I learned the hard way. Never again, not if I can help it.”

Anna leaned down and kissed him, then her sister, slowly slid her pussy off his shrinking penis. Semen rushed out and covered his genitals as her pussy gaped a moment and drooled. She sat heavily beside her sister, said, “I've needed that for days, Gene. I should thank you, but... the cum dripping out of my cunt says maybe you owe me a thanks...”

Gene offered a small groan, but nothing else, tried to sink into his pleasure before the next heartbreaking thought broke free in his mind.

End of Chapter 13

Read Chapter 14